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Safely Hold Your BEP2 Assets
Guarda is the best place to swap, buy, and manage your BEP2 assets easily and securely. Remain full control of your private keys and manage any of your assets, including BEP2 on BNB.
How to manage your
BNB Tokens
Send your BEP2 assets to anyone
Easily send your BEP2 to anyone in the worldReceive BEP2 tokens
Receive BEP2 tokens to safely hold them in your Guarda WalletFAQ
Is BEP2 wallet the same as BNB wallet?
The BNB Beacon Chain uses BEP-2 as a technical standard for issuing and using tokens. Tokens must adhere to this standard's guidelines to operate properly within the BNB Beacon Chain ecosystem. BNB is the BNB Beacon Chain's native currency and is used to pay transaction fees. As a result, you will also need to have a small amount of BNB in your wallet when transferring your BEP2 tokens.
How do I transfer BEP2?
Just create an account on the Guarda Wallet, and you are ready to go within a few clicks. First, click on any token other than BNB Coin with the BNB logo beside it. Next, press the ‘Send’ button. Then, enter the recipient's BNB address and the number of tokens you want to send. Finally, click the ‘Next’ button when you are ready to send.
How do I use BNB BEP2 on Guarda Wallet?
With Guarda Wallet, you can easily buy, receive, send, and exchange your BNB BEP2 assets and securely store and access them conveniently from any wallet—mobile, desktop, or web.
Online Wallet App for BNB Assets
Easily hold BEP2 tokens (USDT and others), buy, send and receive BEP2 tokens right in your browser
Get Wallet For FreeThere are even more token types supported on Guarda
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