How to import a wallet with its private key? Instructions for the Mobile app

In Guarda, you can add an address to your wallet by its private key in three easy steps! This instruction would help you with it if you're using our mobile app.

1. First of all, open your Guarda Wallet and go to the Settings tab. If you haven't used our service before, create a wallet first.

2. Hit the Import button. Then you'll need to select a currency and paste a private key, mnemonic, WIF, or XRPV, then click the Add Wallet button. We'll use a BTC address for this example.

3.  Be sure to save the new version of your backup. From this moment. you will be using it and not the previous versions, since the previous versions will not contain the address you added. Always be careful about your access to funds and keep your backup in a secure place where only you have access!

And that's all! You can find the address in the wallet list.

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