How to connect your Ledger to Guarda?
Please note that Ledger only supports browsers with 2-factor authentication enabled, which means that you will need to open Guarda Web Wallet in Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Opera.
Under your list of currencies, you can find an "Add wallet or connect ledger" button. After you’ve connected your Ledger Nano S device to the USB port, click the Connect button -> ledger.
A list of currencies will appear; you can choose which of your Ledger wallets you would like to connect to Guarda Web. Make sure that you have the currency selected both on Guarda and on the device. If the currency you selected on Guarda isn’t loading properly, double-check that you have entered the correct menu on your Ledger device.
It’s important to note that connecting your Ledger to Guarda will not export or import your wallets. Your private keys remain contained within your device - Guarda will simply function as an interface, allowing you to execute operations and interact with the blockchain.