Get ONG for staking ONT

Ontology Gas (ONG) token is the fuel for transactions on the Ontology network. ONG is distributed on the Ontology network to ONT holders. If you have ONT on your balance, you can get ONG.  After each generated block, ONG is distributed among ONT holders.

How to stake ONT on Guarda

The minimum amount is 1 ONT.

Open your ONT wallet and click 'Staking', then 'Deposit for staking'. Select a validator and confirm. The rewards are distributed after the end of the round. The round is 120,000 blocks and its duration can vary in time (from one and a half days to one and a half months).

You can also stake more without unstaking the whole deposit first. To do that just repeat the staking procedure and choose the same validator.

How to claim ONG

An Unbound amount is a distributed reward that cannot be claimed until you complete a transaction.

The Unclaimed amount is the reward available for the claim. After making any transaction, the unbound amount is added to the unclaimed amount.

Open your ONT wallet and click 'Staking', then 'Claim'. You will need to pay the network fee, so make sure you have enough ONG on your balance.

How to unstake ONT

Open your ONT wallet and click 'Staking', then 'Unstake'. The unstaked amount will be frozen until the end of the round. After the end of the round, this amount becomes available for withdrawal. You can claim it by clicking 'Redeem'.

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